lynchburg family photography

Kettinger Fall Family Photos in Lynchburg, Virginia

I had so much fun meeting the sweet Kettinger Family this fall! Their little one is just so cute and spunky- and you know I’m a huge fan of those gorgeous curls on their two year old! Him and Sully should be BFFs! So thankful to have documented these precious memories for this family!

The Combs Family: Lynchburg, Virginia Family Photographer

Family Portraits at Ivy Creek Park in Lynchburg, Virginia

Fall Family Sessions are in full swing and I was so excited to see the Combs family again! I met them last year for my fall mini sessions, and was so honored to be invited back into their lives to capture these memories! We met at Ivy Creek Park in Lynchburg, Virginia and had a great time!

Our Family's 2019 In Review!

Remember before Facebook and Social Media, getting a Christmas Card in the mail and a families Christmas Letter full of updates and accomplishments? It’s so much fun to look back on the year and see what has happened! Sometimes it’s hard to remember the day to day things that happen each year when you’re looking back 12 months later! So, consider this your virtual Life update Letter- which is way better because I can now include photos too! ;)

JANUARY we enjoyed some snow days, finding a routine with Sully and work/life balance, and tried to stay as warm as we could!

FEBRUARY held quite a few sick days, lots of ear infections, and some bonus snuggles!

MARCH We celebrated Sully turning ONE! I still cannot believe how fast his first year went! He also started taking some first steps and continuing being his sweet & happy self!

APRIL we celebrated my birthday- with an amazing weekend Michael planned! Sully is full-on walking, loves reading, and being outside!

MAY- Emmie finished 1st grade and jumped right into swim practice! We celebrated Mother’s Day and the welcoming of warmer weather!

JUNE- June was pretty full of swim team practice, meets, and fun events! We went on a trip and visited family friends at their home in Kerr Lake, got to drive the boat and spend lots of fun time together!

JULY- July was more of enjoying summer! Went to Smith Mountain Lake with Michael’s Family, and spent lots of time at the pool, more swim practice! Emmie made it to both championship meets and we are SO proud of her!

AUGUST- August brought the end of summer where we squeezed in extra family time, and the start of 2nd grade at a new school! Emmie loves riding the bus & her new friends and teacher!

SEPTEMBER we went to the circus, and had more family time celebrating Michael’s Birthday!

OCTOBER- October was a busy work season for me & Michael! Lots of weddings, family portraits, and marketing work! Halloween got stormed out- but we at least got to dress up for a few minutes and say hi to some sweet neighbors!

NOVEMBER Thanksgiving was fun and relaxing, and we welcomed Black Friday Shopping traditions with open arms!

DECEMBER was so full of holiday spirit! We truly enjoyed this time together this year, Christmas Town at Busch Gardens, Christmas Break, cookies, and so much more!

Oh that was so fun to look at and see how much these little ones have grown and done this year! And how much hair Sully has gotten in the last 12 months! WOW! We’re super excited for 2020, but, time can slow down just a little this year, please?!

Bullock Family: Lynchburg, Virginia Family Photographer

Oh I am so excited to share this sweet family with you today! The Bullocks are our neighbors and we are so excited for them as they have welcomed their sweet little guy into the family! He is so sweet and oh so precious! And their daughter is just THE best big sister! We had so much fun getting some updated family photos for them at The Trivium Estate in Forest, Virginia!

Halloween 2019 || Eiban Family Celebration

Well, Halloween 2019 looked a lot different than years past, thanks to a huge storm that hit Central Virginia! We dressed up, got some photos, and knocked on a handful of neighbors doors before the rain started, we headed home and instead watched Harry Potter. So, while it looked a little different than our traditions years past, it was still fun, and plenty of memories made!

We let Emmie pick the Halloween costumes for her & Sully this year- she has been loving watching the Avengers Movies with Michael the past few weeks, and picked Black Widow for herself, and Captain America for Sully. I’ll admit, I had never even heard of Black Widow before, but we found a costume and the kids looked adorable. Sully hated wearing his mask, but after some persuasion, we got a few photos with him wearing it. And by persuasion, I mean, pinning him down and very quickly snapping photos ;)