lynchburg family

Kettinger Fall Family Photos in Lynchburg, Virginia

I had so much fun meeting the sweet Kettinger Family this fall! Their little one is just so cute and spunky- and you know I’m a huge fan of those gorgeous curls on their two year old! Him and Sully should be BFFs! So thankful to have documented these precious memories for this family!

The Griffin Family's Lifestyle Session || Lynchburg, Virginia Wedding and Portrait Photographer

Oh my goodness! I am so thrilled to be sharing photos from the Griffin Family's session! If anything makes me more excited to have this baby, it's snuggling and photographing sweet Edwin! 

It's always so special to me when I get asked back to document these amazing moments in a families life. I do not take this lightly, and it really means so much that this family has had me photograph so many life-changing moments over the past few years! It's so fun to go into their house and see so many of my photos printed on their walls, from maternity sessions, Christmas cards, extended family, and newborn. To be asked back to photograph their newest member of their family was so special! 

Lifestyle Photographer || Newborn and Family Lifestyle Session || Lynchburg, VA Wedding and Portrait Photographer

Ashley Eiban is a Wedding & Portrait Photographer based in Central Virginia. Serving the Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Richmond, and surrounding areas. Available for travel world-wide.  Ashley is passionate about cultivating genuine relationships built on mutual understanding, trust and lasting friendship.  

Currently booking a limited number of wedding and portrait sessions for 2018 and 2019.  Contact Ashley today for additional information!

Weekend Update: Stir-Crazy, Nesting, and A normal weekend || Lynchburg, VA Wedding Photographer

We were all feeling a little stir-crazy with the amount of time that we've been stuck in the house between holidays, and snow days, so this weekend, I had to get out of the house. Even to just wander the aisles and not see the walls in my own house. I am so beyond ready to get back into routines- even if that does mean waking up early to get Emerson to school in the mornings. ;) 

Lynchburg Wedding and Portrait Photographer ||

Once we got that out of our system, we were able to get some work in the nursery done, and work on some of my January goals for 2018- really simplifying the things that are in our home & finding a place for everything! I've had to take it slow due to some health things- baby bump sometimes has different ideas for what we can do in a day than I'd like, but we're making real progress and I love seeing the house really come together after such a busy season when we moved in! 

I'm really loving our slower weekends as a family & being able to do things together as a family. It's a nice reminder after a crazy fall season where I have weddings and photoshoots almost every weekend.  This is what normal people do on the weekends! haha! 

I really want to know- what did you do this weekend? Are you a stay at home in your jammies weekender, or do you pack in all the plans and errands for the weekends?! 

Ashley Eiban is a Wedding & Portrait Photographer based in Central Virginia. Serving the Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Richmond, and surrounding areas. Available for travel world-wide.  Ashley is passionate about cultivating genuine relations…

Ashley Eiban is a Wedding & Portrait Photographer based in Central Virginia. Serving the Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Richmond, and surrounding areas. Available for travel world-wide.  Ashley is passionate about cultivating genuine relationships built on mutual understanding, trust and lasting friendship.  

Currently booking a limited number of wedding and portrait sessions for 2018.  Contact Ashley today for additional information! 

A little December Snow! Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer

I'm just a little jealous of the east coast and where we grew up today! It's SO cold and windy here, yet they're getting all the gorgeous snow! I am NOT a fan of the cold weather, but if it's going to be this frigid, there needs to be some snow so we have an excuse to stay home and snuggle! ;) And eat all the junk food. 

A few weeks ago, Lynchburg got a beautiful surprise and a little bit of snow- which is so early for this area in this season! It truly added a whole level of Christmas Spirit! We normally don't get snow in Central Virginia until later January and February, so having it early was magical! Plus, it didn't stick around too much so the roads were clear and safe! I know I'm super late in posting these, but I'm just sharing as I am there in the snow in spirit! ;) 

A big shoutout to Michael who had a great attitude and didn't once complain about the fact I was making us late to leave (we were heading to Christmas Town at Busch Gardens!!) and he kindly found something for me to set my camera on, helped set up the self-timer, and still had a smile on his face. He's a keeper, I'm telling ya! (PS: Emmie is in her Jammies because we had JUST gotten back from Santa mini's with Liz Cook Photography!) 

So, I want to know! Do you have snow where you're at? I mean, even Florida has snow right now and Virginia doesn't! What is going on?! Send me photos and some warm, cozy days where the family is off! ;) And then send summer!!