maternity photos

Wedding Photographer Planning for Maternity Leave || Lynchburg, VA Wedding Photographer

Happy Monday! Phew- what a busy weekend we had! We’re in full baby prep mode as little guy could be coming any day now! All of the sudden I want and need to get all the things done. Ha!

We’ve been working on the finishing touches for the nursery- but let’s be honest- it’ll be a work in progress for quite a while and then it’ll be in transition as he grows.  I’ve also been working really hard on making sure all of my workflows and systems are working and in place so I don’t have to work as hard as we adjust to life as a family of 4. I’ve been batch working to get everything done and scheduled, and have some super fun blog posts coming in the next few months!

Wedding Photographer Planning for Maternity Leave || Lynchburg, VA Wedding Photographer ||

If you’re a small business owner, you know how hard it can be to fully step away for any amount of time, but it’s super important to me that I am able to bond with baby, recover and rest! I’ll share later about what I’m planning on maternity leave looking like for me. To be able to have blogs scheduled, emails automated, and workflows in place allows me to ease back into work instead of trying to balance it all at once, which we all know never works out!

Wedding Photographer Planning for Maternity Leave || Lynchburg, VA Wedding Photographer ||

Here are some ways that I’m preparing my business for some time off:

1- Lists of tasks that need to be completed before my leave, and responsibilities that continue on and I’ll need to follow up on while on leave. As of right now, I’m not planning on hiring a virtual assistant or anyone to answer emails for me, so while there may be a slight delay in responses, I’ll put up an away message and know my amazing clients are prepared for it and know I’ll be getting back with them soon!

2- Set expectations. By writing about maternity leave, posting about it on social media and emailing my clients ahead of time, I’m letting clients know what to expect.  I also have an away message up for new clients, and will change it up once I’m taking more time away and responses will be a little bit more delayed.  

3- Reviewing my systems and workflows. You know I always preach about workflows and how they make my life SO much easier! Going over the past year and being able to pinpoint those moments of pain or stress really help with creating changes for the next year. With this, I highly encourage having GMail filters in place, having automatic responses in place for new inquiries, and to take advantage of canned responses to emails where you get lots of similar questions about.  

4- I’ve reached out to some amazing Lynchburg, Virginia vendors and friends to help me keep the blog alive while I’m out. I am SO excited for this- hearing from professionals in all different aspects in the industry to help Brides and Photographers/Small Business owners alike.

Wedding Photographer Planning for Maternity Leave || Lynchburg, VA Wedding Photographer ||

5- Decide on a timeline! This is so important because it can be so easy to get used to not working and start dropping the ball on important tasks that need a timeline to get moving again.  I luckily was able to take things pretty slowly the last few weeks of my pregnancy office-wise to be able to prepare.  Knowing when my next weddings are and when I need to start working on things again will help make sure no balls are dropped.  I do have weddings scheduled and on the books in the next couple of months, but have backup plans and am still limiting how many weddings and sessions I’m taking over the year for 2018.  I’ll be easing back into working full time hours again slowly to get used to adjustments!

6- Be okay with asking for help! I know that each pregnancy, delivery and recovery is very different- as is each and every baby.  With Emmie, I was able to use nap times and snuggle times to get some work done. That may or may not be the case this time- and that’s okay. I know I have people on board that can help with emails, management, and whatever else I need and I need to give myself grace and ask for help if I need it!

So, that’s my plan for this exciting- yet scary - time full of so much unknown! I’ll be sure to update after the fact with what I learned worked and didn’t work for those of you who own a business and are looking at taking some time off!

How to plan for maternity leave as a wedding photographer || Lynchburg Wedding Photos ||

Ashley Eiban is a Wedding & Portrait Photographer based in Central Virginia. Serving the Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Richmond, and surrounding areas. Available for travel world-wide.  Ashley is passionate about cultivating genuine relationships built on mutual understanding, trust and lasting friendship.  

Currently booking a limited number of wedding and portrait sessions for 2018 and 2019.  Contact Ashley today for additional information!

John & Shannon Maternity || Lynchburg, VA Photographer

I am in the best mood blogging this maternity session!! The sun is shining, I've got some gorgeous tulips blowing on my desk, and I've got this amazing couple to share!! John & Shannon were one of my very first weddings and it is seriously such an honor to photograph this next big stage in their lives!! We had to reschedule thanks to some seriously crappy weather, but when we finally did get together I was SO thrilled- the weather was gorgeous and the trees were ALL in bloom!! 

Shannon is seriously so adorable pregnant- I CANNOT wait to meet their little guy!! 


Ashley Eiban is a photographer based in Lynchburg, Virginia- serving Central Virginia, Charlottesville, Richmond, Hampton Roads, and surrounding areas.  Currently booking weddings for 2016 and 2017. Contact us today for additional information! 

Tony & Cole's Lynchburg Maternity Session || Central Virginia Photographer

Eeeeeeeek! Maternity sessions are so fun and exciting to me! I love getting to celebrate with families as they prepare for their family to grow! Those last few weeks are so exciting and full of anticipation! 

I worked with Cole previously & this girl is hilarious, and a killer realtor! She tells it how it is, which is something I totally admire about her! And exactly what you want in a realtor!! Her and her husband Tony are having a baby boy in just a few weeks and I am so excited!! This little man is going to be SO loved and totally spoiled!! I can't wait to hold him and snuggle him and squeeze him! ahhhh! <3 Plus have wine nights with Mom! 


Ashley Eiban is a Wedding & Maternity Photographer based in Central Virginia- serving Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Richmond, Roanoke, Winchester, Hampton Roads, and surrounding areas.  Contact us today for more information! 

John & Shannon: Snow Day Maternity Photos || Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer

I hope you aren't tired of seeing snow pictures yet, because well, I've got a lot more coming! We don't get snow often here, and when we do, well we've got to take advantage of it. On Friday once the snow started I was so anxious to get out of the house and get some photos in the snow! Little did I know, I'd be pretty much in the snow Saturday evening for Mike & Emilee's snowy elopement, and all day Sunday for their wedding ceremony, and Macklin & Shannon's engagement session! I wouldn't trade any of it- even though I do hate the cold- I love the snow!  (well, other than getting stuck Sunday evening and needing a lot of shovels and man-power to get me unstuck! oops!) 

Friday afternoon I put out an alert on Facebook for anyone that could make it to me (regretting that decision to not buy 4wd right about now...) for a quick session in the snow! John & Shannon reached out and met me at a church right across the street from my house! They were one of my very first weddings I shot solo, and are expecting a baby boy soon! I was so excited to get some photo of them and her adorable baby bump!! It was freeeeeezing, and of course it started to sleet right when we got out there, but they were seriously troopers!! 

Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Charlottesville, VA Photographer || Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Charlottesville, VA Photographer || Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Charlottesville, VA Photographer || Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Charlottesville, VA Photographer || Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Charlottesville, VA Photographer || Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Charlottesville, VA Photographer || Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Charlottesville, VA Photographer || Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Charlottesville, VA Photographer || Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Charlottesville, VA Photographer || Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Charlottesville, VA Photographer || Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Charlottesville, VA Photographer || Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||


Ashley Eiban Photography is a Wedding & Portrait Photographer based in Lynchburg, Virginia- available for travel world-wide! In fact, I'd be so so so very happy to escape this winter and head somewhere tropical right about now! ;)  Contact us for more information! 

Richmond, Virginia Maternity Photographer: Don & Michelle

There is such a special excitement and joy when working with first-time parents, and this was especially true with Don & Michelle! It was so much fun getting to meet them and take some maternity photos for them! Michelle is seriously just glowing and has such a cute little bump!! 

We met up at the gorgeous Forest Hill Park, in Richmond, Virginia! There were so many beautiful backdrops for photos- we could have walked around all day... except Michelle probably would have killed me since she's pregnant and all! ;) 

Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Richmond, VA Photographer || Maternity Photographer || Lynchburg, VA Photographer || Winter Maternity Photos || Ashley Eiban Photography ||