lynchburg photographer

Lynchburg, Virginia Family Photography || B Family

It's always so special to be hired to document someone's family- and when they come back again, it's an unbelievable honor.  I loved getting together with "the B family" again this year! They've added another sweet girl to their family since last time, and oh my goodness did we have a blast! Their girls are all so well behaved, and we had a great time at the Old City Cemetery in downtown, Lynchburg, Virginia! 



Charlottesville and Lynchburg Virginia Wedding and Family Photographer ||

Ashley Eiban is a wedding and portrait photographer based in Central Virginia. Serving Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Farmville, Richmond, Roanoke, and surrounding areas. Currently booking a limited number of weddings and portrait sessions for 2017 and 2018.  Available for travel world-wide.  

Ashley is passionate about capturing moments as they authentically happen to ensure a successful session that gives you time to enjoy each other and savor the wedding day moments.  Contact me today for additional information! 

Motherhood Moments: The little things are what matters

Today's post is something that I really struggle with, and the more Moms I talk to, the more I find out that I'm not alone. It seems in this day and age where we are bombarded with everyone's 'best of' moments through social media, I feel the constant need to be THE best Mom ever.  You know, to constantly be doing fun things, making everything a teaching moment, and for her to always be having fun.  Let's be real here- this isn't possible. If we were sitting and chatting over some wine and you were telling me you were struggling with these things, I would tell you the very same thing. You're going to make yourself crazy.  

We all have our own strengths and weaknesses, and this is especially true in Motherhood. I have a friend that looooooves baking, and almost every day makes something healthy and fun with her kids.  I see her doing that and instantly feel guilty... do slice and bake cookies count as a baking project with her, cuz that's about the extent of baking I'm capable of... and even then, there's a good chance they're going to be burnt.  I have another friend that is so good at getting down on the floor and playing with her kids. She sits there and plays doctor, or barbies with her kids. I've tried doing this too, (yall, it's so boring!!!). I'm no good at it!!  Basically, I want to be able to take Em on family trips and bake, and play, and do all the fun things, all the time, every single day. 

Little moments matter in motherhood || mom boss || Charlottesville Wedding Photographer ||

Being a working Mom (yes, especially Moms that are  working at home!!) means that I have to prioritize my time, that I can't always be there, available and ready to play and do the most amazing things all the time.  I start to feel so guilty because I'm not giving her my undivided attention some days.

Can we be honest here for a second- kids don't need our complete attention all the time. They need to learn how to play on their own, use their imaginations, and not rely on us so much all the time. I need to be okay with not always being in "Mom mode."  

I was talking this out with someone the other day and she made such a great point.  There are some seasons where we will spend so much time together- in the summer, we will go to the pool multiple times a week, we will get ice cream, and go on adventures, and that is all so great and so fun. But there are also seasons where I need to get work done, and that's okay too. As long as I'm being purposeful about spending some quality time with my family, that's okay.  All Emmie needs is a little one-on-one time with me for it to make her day. I don't need to have this 'all or nothing' mentality.  If I can spend 15-20 minutes creating with play dough with her, that little block of time is the quality time that she needs for the day. But, those 15 minutes need to be completely focused on her. Put the phone away, turn off the email notifications, and sit and talk and play with her. It's the little moments, where we can be fully present that are going to make the biggest difference.  

Little Moments matter in motherhood || Mom Boss || Ashley Eiban Photography ||

Ashley Eiban is a wedding and portrait photographer based in Central Virginia. Serving Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Farmville, Richmond, Roanoke, and surrounding areas. Currently booking a limited number of weddings and portrait sessions for 2017.  Available for travel world-wide.  

Ashley is Mom to 5 year old, Emerson and is passionate about balancing Motherhood and your chasing your dreams and providing for your family.   Contact me today for additional information! 

Our Vacation to the Outer Banks! || Central Virginia Photographer

Oh yes, this it was true chaos, 21 people in one house, but it was so much fun! This is the first vacation I've taken with Michael's family, and goodness, Emerson had the best time. She played on the beach, swam in the pool non-stop, learned all about Mario, and had way too much sugar! We headed out to the Outer Banks for a week with everyone, shared meals, stories, and on the last night we headed out on the beach and got some photos in our vacation shirts! So fun! 

And of course, I got some pictures of Emerson. I cannot believe how big she is, and she totally was striking a pose and doing her best fake laugh for the camera.  Daughter of a photographer there! Haha! 

Lynchburg Virginia Wedding Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||

Ashley Eiban is a wedding and portrait photographer based in Central Virginia. Serving Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Farmville, Roanoke, Richmond, and surrounding areas.  Available for travel world-wide- including the Outer Banks beaches and Sunset Beach!

Currently booking a limited number of sessions and weddings for 2016 and 2017.  Contact me today for additional information! 

Albuquerque, New Mexico Family and Lifestyle Photographer || Breighton's Newborn Session

Writing this, sharing these images is a complete honor and I still can't believe everything worked out for me to make it to Albuquerque to visit my Aunt & cousin Shelby just a few short days after sweet Breighton was born! I haven't been able to visit them since I was in middle school! I got tons and tons of squishy snuggles in and even got to take some precious photos of Breighton, Shelby and Corey! 

Shelby is such an inspiring Mom. She's going to school, working, and taking care of her little guy all at the same time! I loved seeing how comfortable she is as a Mom, and just how much she loves her sweet little guy! I was super tempted to bring him home with me, but instead I just insisted that they make it out to Lynchburg to visit soon! 

Lynchburg, Virginia wedding and portrait photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||


Ashley Eiban is a wedding and portrait photographer based in Central Virginia.  Serving Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Farmville, Richmond, Roanoke, Hampton Roads and surrounding areas. Available for travel world-wide- especially on the West Coast! Any excuse to snuggle this sweet boy again! ;)

Currently booking limited weddings and portrait sessions for 2016 and 2017. Contact me today for additional information.