children photography

Spring with Emerson: Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer

Friends!! Are you guys loving this weather as much as I am? Probably not, because I'm obsessed! It seems like I had to wait SO long for the sunshine this year- I hope it's here to stay!! 

We are thoroughly enjoying these longer days, the sunshine, trees in bloom, and the warmth!! Em has been begging me to be able to wear her 'down dresses' and tanks all winter- so she is thrilled to finally be able to wear those again! 

Ashley Eiban is a Wedding & Portrait Photographer based in Central Virginia- serving Lynchburg and surrounding areas.  Available for travel world-wide and currently booking for 2016 and 2017.  Contact us today for additional information!

Emerson's 4th Birthday Party || Lynchburg, VA Wedding and Portrait Photographer

Yeaaaaahhhh, this is embarrassing... Yes, Emmie's birthday was in November, but you know how my story goes! ha! Let's just say it's a resolution to keep more up to date with our own photos! ;) 

Emerson was so excited to turn 4- another year closer to kindergarten and her best friends. ha.  Fall was so busy for me, I totally dropped the ball on planning something! Much to my relief, Amazement Square came through big time and did all the hard work for me! 

First up, she choose breakfast at Pok-e-joes, where they always make her a gigantic plate of chocolate chip pancakes, no matter what time it is! 

Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||

Then we headed downtown for some play time at Amazement Square. It's been a few months since she got to explore there, so she had a blast at all the different exhibits! 

Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||

Then the birthday room with all her friends! Our amazing friend Miranda made the coolest birthday cake, and the staff at Amazement Square were so awesome and entertained the kids and helped with everything! Yay for low-key and easy birthday parties! (and not having to clean the house!! haha) 

Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Lynchburg, Virginia Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||

Cannot believe my little baby is FOUR! Goodness gracious I don't even want to think about it- even a few months later! haha! She's growing up to be the sweetest little thing! It's so exciting to see the person she is becoming!! 

Lynchburg, VA Photographer: Little Miss Ella

Oh my goodness you guys are going to LOVE these! Heather really wanted to get some photos of Ella wearing her wedding dress- and ahhh they are the cutest!!! I can't believe how BIG Ella is getting! 

Photographer in Lynchburg VA, Family Photographer in Virginia || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Photographer in Lynchburg VA, Family Photographer in Virginia || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Photographer in Lynchburg VA, Family Photographer in Virginia || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Photographer in Lynchburg VA, Family Photographer in Virginia || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Photographer in Lynchburg VA, Family Photographer in Virginia || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Photographer in Lynchburg VA, Family Photographer in Virginia || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Photographer in Lynchburg VA, Family Photographer in Virginia || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Photographer in Lynchburg VA, Family Photographer in Virginia || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Photographer in Lynchburg VA, Family Photographer in Virginia || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Photographer in Lynchburg VA, Family Photographer in Virginia || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Photographer in Lynchburg VA, Family Photographer in Virginia || Ashley Eiban Photography ||



Ashley Eiban is a Lynchburg, VA Wedding & Portrait Photographer- serving Central Virginia, and surrounding areas! Contact us today for additional information about booking your session! 

Sunset Beach, NC Photographer: Emerson Noel

Emmie loves getting her picture taken, until it's time to be serious and actually get her photos taken! ;) haha. She always sees me editing brides and couples and tells me every single time that she wants to be a "wedding girl." 

SO I loved getting her in front of my camera and making her feel a little special! She loves to make goofy faces and can't wait to look at them in the camera right after she takes them.  I love this age (and hate it at the same time! haha!!) 

While we were on vacation at Sunset Beach, NC, we headed out and got some photos to document her goofy self at three and a half! 

Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||
Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||


I never want to forget this fun fun age! She never stops making me laugh!! <3 

Sunset Beach, NC Wedding and Portrait Photographer || Ashley Eiban Photography ||

Lynchburg, VA Family Photographer: The Shaneck Family


The Shaneck Family was so fun to photograph! Have I ever mentioned how much I love my job?! These kids were SO well behaved! I couldn't believe it! I swear they must have bribed them with something good! ;)  They are expecting baby number 4 in just a few weeks... can you believe she is due in a few weeks?! 


Thanks for letting my photograph your sweet family! Best of wishes with baby #4!